
Test and Item Analysis via Shiny

What is ShinyItemAnalysis?

ShinyItemAnalysis is an R package and an interactive online application for the psychometric analysis of educational tests, psychological assessments, health-related and other types of multi-item measurements, or ratings from multiple raters. It was developed with the aim to support teaching of psychometric concepts, present psychometric research and to empower routine psychometric analysis.

Wide range of methods

  • Exploration of total and standard scores
  • Analysis of measurement error and reliability
  • Analysis of correlation structure and validity
  • Traditional item analysis
  • Item analysis with regression models
  • Item analysis with IRT models
  • Detection of differential item functioning
  • ... and more via add-on modules

User friendly

ShinyItemAnalysis provides model equations, parameter estimates and their interpretation.

Selected R code

All methods include sample R code which is ready to copy and paste into R and run locally.


Several toy data sets are ready to use. You can also upload and analyze your own data.

Report generation

ShinyItemAnalysis offers automatic generation of HTML and PDF reports.

Licence and citation

ShinyItemAnalysis is a free software and you can redistribute it and or modify it under the terms of the GNU GPL 3. When using ShinyItemAnalysis software, we appreciate if you include a reference in your publications. To cite the software, please, use:

Martinková, P., & Hladká, A. (2023). Aspects of Psychometric Methods: With R (1st ed.). Chapman and Hall/CRC.

Martinková, P., & Drabinová, A. (2018). ShinyItemAnalysis for teaching psychometrics and to enforce routine analysis of educational tests. The R Journal, 10(2), 503-515.

In Czech written papers you can also use
Martinková, P., Drabinová, A., & Houdek, J. (2017). ShinyItemAnalysis: Analýza přijímacích a jiných znalostních či psychologických testů. TESTFÓRUM, 6(9), 16-35.

Recent news

July 15-19, 2024

Our research will be presented at the International Meeting of Psychometric Society 2024 that is hosted by our the COMPS group this year. More information and registration form is available at

April 24, 2024

A brand new {SIAtools} R package was released! 🎉
SIAtools is a comprehensive suite of functions designed for constructing and managing 'ShinyItemAnalysis' modules, supplemented with detailed guides, ready-to-use templates, linters, and tests. This package allows developers to seamlessly create and integrate one or more modules into their existing packages or to start a new module project from scratch. See the accompanying {pkgdown} page at

April 24, 2024

{ShinyItemAnalysis} version 1.5.1 was released! 🎉
The SIA modules available at our new official CRAN-like repository ( are now offered upon application startup when run locally with run_app().
See the changelog for the full list of changes and bugfixes.

April 23, 2024

{SIAmodules} were updated to 0.1.1! 🎉
The new release resolves number of bugs and provides sample R code for the CAT module.
See the changelog for the full list of changes and bugfixes.

July 3, 2023

New book Computational Aspects of Psychometric Methods. With R published at CRC Press:

Book cover

May 8, 2023

ShinyItemAnalysis version 1.5.0 was released! 🎉
The app is now extendable via add-on modules, new datasets were added, and DIF analysis now offers combinations (simple and iterative) of purification and p value adjustment. See the full changelog here.

Mar 29, 2023

A collection of ShinyItemAnalysis modules were releases in a R package SIAmodules. They are no longer hosted at a standalone webpage, but dynamicaly recognized and added in ShinyItemAnalysis version ≥ 1.5.0 You can now create your own SIA module referring to the SIAmodules source code. A companion tool to ease the creation is in the development. Stay tuned!

Oct 21, 2022

Version 1.4.2 was released on CRAN. See the full changelog here.

Apr 15, 2022

Version 1.4.1 was released on CRAN. See the full changelog here.

Sep 27, 2021

Version 1.4.0 was released on CRAN. See the full changelog here.

Sep 17, 2021

Job openings advertized for Postdoctoral / Research fellow and RA positions in Computational Psychometrics and Statistics in Prague. Join us!

Sep 17, 2021

SIA module on range-restricted IRR is available on
SIA module on DIF-C is available on

July 8, 2021

ShinyItemAnalysis will be presented at useR!2021, in talk on "Teaching computational aspects of psychometrics with R and Shiny". See the slides and the video!

May 31, 2021

New version of ShinyItemAnalysis app is available online.
R package ShinyItemAnalysis version 1.3.7 on CRAN now!

February 1, 2021

ShinyItemAnalysis includes data and interactive demonstration study on restricted-range reliability published in Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A.

October 7, 2020

ShinyItemAnalysis featured in recent paper on DIF detection with the difNLR package, published in The R journal.

January 20, 2020

ShinyItemAnalysis includes data and interactive demonstration for recent study on propensity score matching and differential item change functioning analysis, published in Learning and Instruction journal.

November 13, 2019

Workshop Introduction to Differential Item Functioning (DIF) analysis with R and ShinyItemAnalysis was held at AEA-Europe conference in Lisabon!

February 25, 2019

New paper about ShinyItemAnalysis was published in The R Journal.

June 20, 2018

ShinyItemAnalysis presented at International Meeting of Psychometric Society 2018 in New York. See the poster here.

May 24, 2018

Save the date for Psychoco 2019! International workshop on Psychometric Computing Psychoco 2019 will take place on February 21 - 22 in Prague, Czech Republic. Stay tuned!

August 15, 2017

Czech article ShinyItemAnalysis: Analyzing admission and other educational and psychological tests has been published in journal TESTFÓRUM.

July 23, 2017

Video of useR!2017 talk on "Teaching psychometrics and analysing educational tests with ShinyItemAnalysis" is ONLINE now! Enjoy!